



  第一条  优秀在校学历生奖学金用于奖励我校品学兼优的在籍普通全日制国际学生。




  第二条 优秀在校学历生奖学金的评定以综合素质测评和智育成绩(包括专业课、基础课、公共课)为依据。




  ① 所有课程平均成绩不低于85分,单科成绩不低于80分;

  ② 出勤率不低于95%。


  ① 所有课程平均成绩及单科成绩不低于70分。

  ② 出勤率不低于90%。

  第三条 有下列情况之一者,不得参加当年度优秀在校学生奖学金的评比:

  1. 受通报批评及各类处分;

  2. 考试、考查成绩有一门及以上课程不及格(经重修、补考后成绩合格的学生不参加奖学金评比);

  3. 综合素质测评不合格;

  4. 休学;

  5. 试读期间。

  第四条 在宿舍检查中,所在宿舍累计三次不达标的责任人、降低一个获奖等级。

  第五条 评定程序和办法:

  1. 各班每学年开学时在统计综合素质测评和智育成绩的基础上进行班级评议,提出获奖学生初步名单。

  2. 学院学生工作领导小组讨论,确定获奖学生名单上报学校。

  3. 学校组织国际学生奖学金评审委员会成员对上报名单进行综合评审,确定最终获奖结果并公示。

  第六条 优秀在校学历生奖学金每学年四月份评定一次,一次性免除。

  第七条 本细则由国际学院负责解释,自发布之日起执行。

In order to implement the party's education policy of China, to further adapt to the reform and development of higher education, and to encourage international students to study diligently, assiduously and develop comprehensively, these rules are formulated according to the related documents of the higher authorities and the specific conditions of international students in our university.

Article 1  The scholarship for excellent students shall be used to award the full-time outstanding international students of our university.

Scholarship for excellent academic degree students is divided into first-class scholarship and second-class scholarship. First-class scholarship covers the tuition for one academic year (undergraduates 14000 RMB, postgraduates 16000 RMB). Second-class scholarship covers the half tuition for one academic year (undergraduates 7000 RMB, postgraduates 8000 RMB).

The proportion of first-class scholarship is no more than 10% for undergraduates taught in English, no more than 20% for postgraduate students taught in English and no more than 20% for students taught in Chinese. The proportion of second-class scholarship is no more than 90% for undergraduates taught in English, no more than 80% for postgraduate students taught in English, and no more than 80% for students taught in Chinese.

Our university encourages international students to study in Chinese-taught classes, and scholarships will be preferential to these students to a certain extent.

Article 2  The evaluation of scholarship for excellent academic degree students shall be based on comprehensive quality evaluation and intellectual performance (including basic public courses and professional courses).

Comprehensive quality evaluation mainly includes the concept of discipline and organization in attendance.

Intellectual performance requirements:

1. First-class scholarship

①Average grade of all courses no less than 85, and the grade of every course is no less than 80;

②Attendance no less than 95% for all courses every semester;

2. Second-class scholarship

① The grade of all courses no less than 70.

②Attendance no less than 90% for all courses every semester;

Article 3  If one of the following situations occurs, the student shall not participate in the evaluation of outstanding degree student scholarship of this academic year.

1. Be criticized and punished;

2. Failing one or more courses in final exams (students who pass the make-up examination will not participate in the scholarship evaluation);

3. The comprehensive quality assessment is not qualified;

4. Drop out from university;

5. Academic probation.

Article 4  During the inspection of the dormitory, the students who fail to meet the standards for three times will be reduced one award grade.

Article 5  Assessment procedures and methods:

1. At the beginning of each academic year, the class will be evaluated on the basis of statistical comprehensive quality assessment and intellectual education results. And then propose a preliminary list of students with scholarship.

2. After the student affairs group discussion, determining list of students with scholarship and submit to the school.

3. The university organizes the members of the International Student Scholarship Evaluation Committee to conduct a comprehensive evaluation on the submitted list of students with scholarship, and publicize the final award results.

Article 6  Scholarship for excellent academic degree students will be assessed in April and eliminated once every academic year.

Article 7  These rules shall be interpreted by the institute of International College and will be implemented from the date of promulgation.