
Scholarships in the International College of Jiangsu Normal University


Chinese Government Scholarship

Chinese Government Scholarship scheme was established by the Ministry of Education of China in accordance with educational exchangeagreements or understandings reached between the Chinese government and the governments of other countries, educational organ, institutions and relevantinternational organizations to provide full scholarship and partial scholarshipto international students and scholars. China Scholarship Council administers the recruitment of international students and the routine management of theChinese Government Scholarship scheme.

According to the regulation of MOEC, all Chinese Government Scholarship bachelor students will be conducted in Chinese.Applicants with no command of Chinese are generally required to take Chinese language courses for 1-2 years before their major studies. If the courses fordoctoral and master degree students could be conducted in English, remedial Chinese study will not be arranged. Duration for scholarship specified at thetime of admission could NOT be extended in principle.

In order to promote the mutual understanding, cooperation andexchanges in various fields between China and other countries, the Chinese government has set up a series of scholarship programs to sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to study and conduct research in Chinese universities. China Scholarship Council (hereinafter referred to as CSC),entrusted by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafterreferred to as MOE), is responsible for the enrollment and the administration of Chinese Government Scholarship programs. Now, 279 designated Chinese universities offer a wide variety of academic programs in Science, Engineering,Agriculture, Medicine, Economics, Legal Studies, Management, Education,History, Literature, Philosophy, and Fine Arts for scholarship recipients atall levels.


1. Bilateral Program

This includes full or partial scholarships in accordance with the educational exchange agreements orconsensus between the Chinese government and governments of other countries,institutions, universities or international organizations. It supports undergraduate students, graduate students, general scholars and seniorscholars. Applicants shall apply to the dispatching authorities for overseasstudy of their home countries.

2. Chinese University Program

This is a full scholarship fordesignated Chinese universities and certain provincial education offices inspecific provinces or autonomous regions to recruit outstanding internationalstudents for graduate studies in China. It only supports graduate students. Applicantsshall apply to the designated Chinese universities undertaking this program.

3. Great Wall Program

This is a full scholarship for theUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to sponsor students andscholars in developing countries to study and research in China. It only supports general scholars and senior scholars. Applicants shall apply to theNational Commissions for UNESCO in their homecountries.

4. EU Program

This is a full scholarship toencourage students from EU member countries to study and research in China inorder to promote mutual understanding between China and EU members. It supportsundergraduate students, graduate students, general scholars and seniorscholars. Applicants shall apply to the Office for Education and Culture,Mission of the P. R. China to the European Union.

5. AUN Program

This is a full scholarship for theASEAN University Network (AUN) to sponsor students, teachers and scholars from ASEAN member nations to study in China and to enhance the academic exchange andmutual understanding between China and ASEAN members. It only supportsgraduates. Applicants shall apply to AUN Secretariat.

6. PIF Program

This is a full scholarship to sponsorstudents from Pacific island countries to study in China. It supports undergraduates, graduates, general scholars and senior scholars.

Applicants shall apply to PacificIslands Forum (PIF) Secretariat.

7. WMO Program

This is a partial scholarship (includinga tuition fee waiver, free on-campus accommodation and Comprehensive Medical Insurance) for the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to sponsorinternational students to study and conduct research in meteorology, hydrology,and water resources supervision and management in China. It only supports undergraduates and graduates. Applicants shall apply to WMO.


Supporting Categories

Chinese Government Scholarship programs sponsor international students, teachers and scholars to undertake degree studies (bachelor, masterand PhD) and Chinese language study or academic research in institutions ofhigher education in China.


Chinese Government Scholarship covers both major study andChinese language (preparatory) study. The table below illustrates the durationof each program.  

Supporting Categories

Major Study(year)

Chinese Language(Preparatory Study)(year)

Duration of


Undergraduate students


1- 2


Master’s students


1- 2


Doctoral students


1- 2


General scholars

up to 1

up to 1

up to 2

Senior scholars

up to 1

up to 1

up to 2

Instruction Language

1. Undergraduate scholarship recipients must register forChinese-taught credit courses. They are required to take one-year preparatorycourses in one of the 10 universities listed below and to pass the requiredtest before moving on to their major studies.

Undergraduate scholarship recipients can apply forpreparatory course exemption if they completed their secondary education inChinese or have a valid HSK certificate that meets the requirements of the hostuniversity. Official documents from secondary schools or a photocopy of a validHSK certificate must be submitted for a preparatory course exemptionapplication. Please NOTE that HSK results are valid for only 2 years.

Entrusted by MOE, the following 10 universities offerpreparatory courses to undergraduate scholarship recipients. They are Tianjin University, Nanjing Normal University, Shandong University, Central China Normal University, Tongji University, Beijing Language and CultureUniversity, Northeast Normal University, Beijing International StudiesUniversity,Capital Normal University, and the University ofInternational Business and Economics.

2. Graduate and non-degree scholarship students can registerfor either the Chinese-taught program or the English-taught program ifapplicable. Program Search (By visiting http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua or http://www.campuschina.org) can help you find theprogram and university you're interested in.

Scholarship recipients of Chinese-taught programs withoutadequate Chinese proficiency must take Chinese language courses for one to twoacademic years to reach the language requirements of their host universitiesbefore moving on to their major studies. Failure to reach the required languageproficiency will lead to the automatic termination of scholarship. Chinese language courses will be one year for majors in Science, Engineering,Agriculture, West Medicine, Economics, Management, Legal Studies and Fine Arts,and be no more than two years for majors in Literature, History, Philosophy and Chinese Medicine.

Scholarship recipients of the English-taught programs or those with adequate Chinese language proficiency do not need to take Chineselanguage courses.

Institutions and Majors

Now 279 Chinese universities have been designated to enroll international students with Chinese Government Scholarship, and they offer awide variety of programs. Introduction to the universities and the programsthey offer can be found in the following links.




Supporting Categories

Field of Study

Tuition(CNY per year)

Accommodation(CNY per year)

Stipend(CNY per year)

Medical Insurance

(CNY per year)


(CNY per year)

Undergraduate students



















Master’s students/ General scholars



















Doctoral students/ Senior scholars



















NOTE: Field of Study I includes Philosophy, Economics, LegalStudies, Education, Literature (Fine Arts excluded), History, and Management;Field of Study II includes Science, Engineering, and Agriculture; Field ofStudy III includes Fine Arts and Medicine.

1. Full Scholarship covers

Tuition waiver: Tuition funds will be comprehensively used by the host university. It may cover scholarship students’ education,administration costs and expenditures to support student activities.

Accommodation free: university dormitory or accommodationsubsidy.

If the host university requires students to live on campus,the university will accommodate the scholarship students in a universitydormitory (usually a twin room); if the host university permits students tolive off campus, the university will provide monthly/quarterly accommodationsubsidy:

undergraduate students (preppies), master students (generalscholars): CNY 700 per month;

doctoral students (senior scholars): CNY 1000 per month.


Undergraduate students: CNY 2,500 per month;

Master students/general scholars: CNY 3,000 per month;

Doctoral students/senior scholars: CNY 3,500 per month.

Within the scholarship duration, registered scholarshipstudents will receive a stipend from their host university each month. Studentsregistering on or before the 15th of the month will receive a full stipend ofthat month. Those who register after the 15th of the month will receive a halfstipend of that month. Graduating students will receive stipend until halfmonth after the graduation date. If registered student stays out of China formore than 15 days due to a personal reason (school holidays excluded), hisstipend will be stopped during his leaving.

Comprehensive medical insurance. (Please visit http://www.csc.edu.cn/laihua orhttp://www.campuschina.org and refer to Comprehensive Insurance &Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in Chinafor insurance policy.)

2. Partial scholarship covers

One or some items of the full scholarship.

 prospective working institution. Applicant should hold abachelor’s degree or its equivalent, a minimum score of 180 in HSK Test (Level3), and a minimum score of 60 in HSKK Test (Beginner Level).

3. Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese toSpeakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL) Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 4 academic years.Applicant should hold a

4. Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 11 months.Application is open to Confucius Institute (Classroom) students, overseasChinese language teachers, Chinese language major students and excellentperformers in HSK test. International students who are now studying in Chinaare not eligible for the scholarship. Applicant should have a minimum score of180 in HSK Test (Level 3), and 60 in HSKK test (Beginner Level). Alternatively,applicant should hold a minimum score of 180 in BCT (A) , and a minimum scoreof 180 BCT (Speaking).

2、Confucius Institute Scholarship

In order to support development of Confucius Institutes,facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in theworld, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students ofChinese language, Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban) (hereinafterreferred to as Hanban) launches the “Confucius Institute Scholarships” programfor providing sponsorship to students, scholars and Chinese language teachersof other countries for pursuing a study in relevant universities in China(hereinafter referred to as “host institutions”).

I. Category & Eligibility

The Confucius Institute Scholarship Categories are:

Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese toSpeakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) Students

Scholarship for one-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL Students

Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in Teaching Chinese toSpeakers of Other Languages (BTCSOL) Students

Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study Students

Scholarship for One-Semester Study Students

Scholarship for Four-Week Study Students

Application is open to applicant who owns a non-Chinese citizenship, aged between 16 and 35, in good health condition, (Applicant iscurrently working in a Chinese language teaching position shall not exceed theage limit of 45. Undergraduate student shall not exceed the age limit of 20).

1. Scholarship for Master’s Degree in Teaching Chinese toSpeakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL)

This category provides a sponsorship for 2 academic years.Applicant should own a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent, a minimum score of180 in HSK Test (Level 5), and a minimum score of 50 in HSKK Test (IntermediateLevel). Applicant who is able to provide the employment agreement orcertification upon finishing the study from designated working institutions ispreferred.

2. Scholarship for One-Academic-Year Study + MTCSOL Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 3 academic years.Applicant should provide the employment agreement from a designated ConfuciusInstitute or a

5. Scholarship for One-Semester Study Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 5 months. Applicantshould have no prior experience of studying in China, but have a minimum scoreof 120 in HSK Test (Level 2), and a minimum score of 40 in HSKK (Beginner Level).Alternatively, applicant should have a minimum score of 100 in BCT (A), and aminimum score of 120 in BCT (Speaking).

6. Scholarship for Four-Week Study Students

This category provides a sponsorship for 4-week study whichis mainly focusing on Chinese language. Application is mainly open to Confucius Institute (Classroom) students, excellent performers in HSK test, andoutstanding club members of Confucius Institute Magazine. Applicant shouldsubmit a HSK or BCT score report, and have no prior experience of studying inChina.

“Chinese Bridge” (Chinese Proficiency Competition for ForeignCollege Students) Winners who have been awarded the 2016 “Confucius InstituteScholarship Certificate” can apply for admission according to the scholarshipspecified in the certificate.

II.Scholarship Coverage, Criteria and Academic Assessment

The Confucius Institute Scholarship provides full coverage ontuition fee, accommodation fee, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance expenses.

Tuition fee is under the overall planning and utilization ofhost institutions to provide teaching, management, Chinese language proficiency tests (HSK/HSKK), and cultural and social activities for scholarship holders.    

Accommodation fee is under the overall planning andutilization of host institutions which should provide scholarship holders withfree dormitory rooms (usually double rooms). For those who live off campus with the permission of host institutionsare entitled to accommodation allowance from host institutions on by month orby quarter. The allowance criteria are RMB700 per person on monthly basis.

Living allowance is granted by the host institutions onmonthly basis. The allowance criteria per person are:

BTCSOL, One-Academic-Year Study, One-Semester Study: RMB2,500 per month

MTCSOL: RMB3,000 per month

Enrollment status is based on semesters of host institutions.Students who are enrolled before the 15th (or on the 15th) of the admission month,are entitled to the full allowance of that month. Students, who are enrolledafter the 15th of that month, are only entitled to half of the allowance.

The living allowance for the month of graduation will begranted half a month later upon confirming the graduation status by hostinstitutions.

During the study, for any students who is absent from Chinaof personal reasons for more than 15 days (excluding legal holidays), the allowance will besuspended during absence. Allowance will be terminated in case of schoolingsuspension or dropping out for personal reasons.

Comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the hostinstitutions in accordance to relevant regulations on international students stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. The insurance fee per personis RMB800 per year.

The degree scholarship program applicants (Category 1, 2, 3) are subject to annualacademic performance review. Only those who achieve outstanding records inacademic and Chinese language proficiency are entitled to a full scholarshipfor the following year; those who achieve average academic records are entitledto partial scholarships; the others will not be entitled to scholarship anylonger. Partial scholarships consist of tuition fee, accommodation fee and comprehensive medical insurance. The One-Academic-Year Study and One-Semester Study programmers is required to attend Chinese language proficiency testbefore graduation. Test fee is reimbursed by host institutions.

III. Admission Procedure

Scholarship recruitment is open all year round on a trialbasis. For applicants, recommending institutions and host institutions, pleasefind admission procedures and scholarship recruitment results on the ConfuciusInstitute Scholarships website (http://cis.chinese.cn).    

1. For application, please log on to the Confucius InstituteScholarships website (http://cis.chinese.cn) to register, complete the Confucius Institute Scholarships ApplicationForm online, and upload the scanned copies of relevant supporting documents.   

2. Entrusted by Hanban, Confucius Institutes (independent ConfuciusClassrooms) in different countries,overseas Chinese language testing centers, educational and cultural sections ofChinese embassy and consulate, and host institutions in China are working asrecommending institutions to engage in the applicant s election, materialsreview, host institutions connection, and collecting and handing overapplicants’ documents to host institutions.

3. Once application materials are verified by the Division ofScholarships of Hanban as valid, host institutions will then review theeligibility of applicants and submit the admission list to Hanban.

4. Hanban will conduct an overall assessment of allapplications and admit applicants on the basis of competitive s election.Normally, the admission results will be announced within 45 working days afterthe application materials are confirmed as valid.

5. After confirming with the successful applicants, hostinstitutions are required to post “Letter of Admission”, “Visa Application Formfor Foreigners to Study in China (JW202 Form), copy of the scholarshipcertificate and other relevant documents to the recommending institutionswithin 15 working days.

IV. Disclaimer

1. Incomplete or unqualified applications will not beprocessed.    

2. Applicants will be disqualified from application in caseof fraudulent application materials or application materials are completed andsubmitted by someone else.  

3. Scholarship winners who cannot register with the host institutions on time should inform the host institution about the reasons inwritten form within 15 days before the admission date. For those who do notregister as requested without reason, the scholarship .

4. Scholarship will be canceled for those who , d rop out, ortake schooling suspension during the study.

V. ContactInformation

Division of Scholarships, ConfuciusInstitute Headquarters (Hanban)

Address: 129, Deshengmenwai Street,Xicheng District, Beijing, 100088

Fax: +86-10-58595727   E-mail: scholarships@hanban.org

3. Jiangsu Jasmine Scholarship 

Jiangsu Provincial Government has set up the Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship” for international students inorder to promote the development of higher education of International studentsin Jiangsu, to further improve the profile of Jiangsu Education to the world,to highlight the brand of “Study in Jiangsu” and to make Jiangsu a preferredprovince for international students to study in. This scholarship will beprovided to those excellent overseas students or scholars to undertake fulltime study in universities and colleges of Jiangsu. It will also include thosenon-degree program students and exchange students in accordance witheducational exchange agreements and MOUs between the Jiangsu ProvincialGovernment and the governments of other states, institutions, universities andinternational organizations.


1. Excellent foreign students who wish toundertake full time study in universities and colleges in Jiangsu Province.

2. Non-degree program students andexchange students in accordance with educational exchange agreements and MOUsbetween the Jiangsu Provincial Government and the governments of other states,institutions, universities and international organizations


1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health.

2. Education background and age limit:

● Applicants for both the college and undergraduate programsmust have a senior high school diploma with a good academic performance and beunder the age of 30.

● Applicants for the master’s degree program must have abachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35.

● Applicants for the doctoral degree program must have amaster’s degree and be under the age of 40.

3. Applicants must agree to obey the relevant laws of the PRCand meet the admission requirements of the host universities or colleges.

4. Applicants must have a good academic record.

5. Applicants cannot be recipients of other scholarshipsoffered by Chinese government, local governments or other organizations simultaneously.


1. Full Scholarship

● A fee waiver of tuition, registration, laboratoryexperiments, internship, and basic textbooks.

Cost of experiments or internships beyond the programcurricula is at student’s own expense.

Cost of books or learning materials other than required basictextbooks is at student’s own expense.

● Free on-campus dormitory accommodation, or an accommodationallowance of CNY 10,000 per year.

● A living allowance of CNY1,500 per month

  Scholarship recipients registering before the 15th ofthe registration month (the 15th included) will be granted the full livingallowance of that month.

Recipients registering after the 15th of the registrationmonth will only be granted half of the living allowance of that month.

● Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Protection Scheme forInternational Students while in China.

2. Partial Scholarship

1) College student: CNY20,000 per academic year; Duration:One academic year

2) Undergraduate student / Postgraduate student: CNY 30,000per academic year; Duration: One academic year

3) Non-degree program student / Exchange student: CNY2,000per month; Duration: 3 to 12 months (in accordance with the agreement)


1. Log on to the “Study in Jiangsu” website(www.studyinjiangsu.org)

2. Register an individual account

3. Complete the Application Form online, and upload e-copiesof relevant original documents

4. Print the Application Form, sign it, and then mail it withnotarized copies of the relevant documents to the Office of Jasmine JiangsuGovernment Scholarship Management Team (Mailing Address: Please find it inCONTACT)


1. Scanned copy of the passport photo page.

2. Highest diploma / degree certificate (notarized photocopy). High school students or university students shall also provideCertificate of Enrollment from the school or the university they are studyingin. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached withnotarized translations in Chinese or English.

3. Academic transcripts (notarized photocopy): Transcripts inlanguages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarizedtranslations in Chinese or English.

4. Recommendation letters: Applicants for postgraduate studiesmust submit two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from professorsor associate professors with contact details of referees.

5. Other relevant documents.

Please Note: Submitted documents will not be returnedregardless of the result of application.


The Office of Jasmine Jiangsu Government ScholarshipManagement Team

Room 1212, No. 15, West Beijing Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu, P. R.China

Postcode: 210024

Tel: +86 25 83335332

Fax: +86 25 83335521

4.Jasmine TSP Plan

Jasmine Talent Selection Program for Students to Study in Jiangsu (TSP) is a new program spearheaded by the Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship. Selected applicants will receive extra allowances from Jasmine Jiangsu Government Scholarship apart from the scholarships they receive from their universities. TSP intends to select outstanding students and support them as they pursue degrees in Jiangsu. Each program is carefully designed with a comprehensive curriculum. Top tutors will be assigned to students to provide them with rich cultural experiences, priority internship opportunities and positive employment prospects.TSP will be implemented thus: Cultivating scientific innovation talents: focusing on cultivating high-level, technological innovation. It aims mainly at students pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree.Cultivating professional elites: focusing on cultivating talents for key industries. It aims mainly at students pursuing a bachelor’s or a master’s degree.Cultivating high-level skilled talents: focusing on cultivating high-level local skilled talents for companies going global and countries or institutions involved in the BR Initiative. It aims mainly at students pursuing a college or a vocational diploma.

Application Checklist

        All applicants must meet the following basic requirements for the TSP. Additional requirements may apply for specific categories of projects of the schools.

        1. Applicants must hold a valid foreign passport or nationality certificates for four years or above, and have an actual overseas residential record for at least two years over the last four years (by the end of April 30th of the year application).

        2. Applicants must apply from abroad. Requirements may be flexible on an individual basis if the applicant is an outstanding new graduate from universities in Jiangsu and is recommended by his or her graduating school to pursue a master’s or doctorate degree in Jiangsu.

        3. Applicants should be in good health according to the Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People’s Republic of China. 

        4. Applicants should have a good knowledge of and friendly attitude toward China, abide by laws and regulations, and have no criminal record.

        5. Applicants should have good grades that meet the enrolment requirements of specific cultivation projects.

        6. Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation from a high-level administrator and a senior teacher from the school where he or she obtained the highest degree to prove that applicant’s performance at school and academic capabilities are well qualified for further education in Jiangsu.

        7. Applicants should have an appropriate languages’ proficiency and are expected to submit related certificates, such as the HSK certificate, or other proof of Chinese language learning or examination. Applicants from a non-English speaking country and applying for a program taught in English should submit a valid proof of English proficiency.

        8. Applicants pursuing a bachelor’s degree should have graduated from high school and be 25 years old or under; those pursuing a master’s degree should have obtained a bachelor’s degree and be 30 years old or under; those pursing a doctorate degree should have obtained a master’s degree and be 35 years old or under.

Application Checklist

1. Application Form of the TSP;

        2. Personal statement (500 words above, in Chinese or English);

        3. Endorsed education certificate and transcript;

        4. A copy of passport and relevant residential certificates;

        5. Health certificate;

        6. Proof of no criminal record;

        7. Certificate of Chinese or English language proficiency;

        8. Two letters of recommendation from a high-level administrator and a senior teacher from the school where the applicant obtained the highest degree (for the applicant who is pursuing a bachelor’s degree.);

        9. Letters of recommendation from two or more senior persons (for the applicant pursuing a master’s degree);

        10. Study plan (for the applicant pursuing a master’s degree);

        11. The applicant may have to take a written examination or be interviewed.

5. International Students Scholarship of Jiangsu Normal University

‘International Students Scholarship of Jiangsu NormalUniversity’ is established by Jiangsu Normal University, aiming to attract moreoversea students to study in Jiangsu Normal University, encourage them to beabsorbed in study.

(1)Sponsoring target and standard

① ‘Degree education outstanding student resource scholarship’sponsors the new international students who have been enrolled in school, whichset up first and second prizes, the amounts are 100% and 50% tuition feeof first academic year separately. The number depends on the annual studentresource.

② ‘Outstanding undergraduate student scholarship’ sponsorsundergraduates who own excellency in character and learning.

Category of Scholarship

(RMB/each semester/per person)

First-class  scholarship

100% of  tuition in next academic year

Second-class  scholarship

50% of tuition  in next academic year

Third-class  scholarship

one third of  tuition in next academic year

(3) ‘Outstanding Chinese language studentscholarship’ sponsors the international students who study Chinese inuniversity.

Category  of Scholarship

(RMB/each  semester/per person)

First-class scholarship


Second-class scholarship


Third-class scholarship


Scholarship for full attendance


(2)Application condition

① Applicants must holdforeign passports, are friendly to China and are in good health;

② Applicants should be well-performingand not engaged in illegal activities that against laws ofChinese Government or regulations of university.

③ Applicants are hard-working and havegood grades.

④ Applicants cannot receive different typesof scholarships from different government officials at all levels in China atsame time.

6. Scholarship Evaluation Method for Outstanding Foreign Students of International College of Jiangsu Normal University

(Non-academic Language Student)

For further development ofoversea students 'undertakings and establishment of good learning atmospheres,our university sets up scholarship to encourage and support outstanding foreignstudents.

I. Reward Objects:

Non-academic language students enrolled in JiangsuNormal University who have not received any tuition waiver or other scholarships, and will continue his study in the following semester.

II.Applicant Qualifications:

1. Abide by the Chinese laws and regulations andschool rules, no violation while at school. 

2. Respect social morality and Chinese customs. 

3. Respect teachers and help each other. 

4. Actively participate in various activitiesorganized by International College. 

5. High attendance and good grades. Specific criteriaare as follows:

1) Students whose final examination scores of eachsubject reaches 90 or above, no truancy and attendance rate of each course isno less than 95% can apply for a first-class scholarship.

2) Students whose final examination scores of eachsubject reaches 80 or above, no truancy and attendance rate of each course isno less than 90% can apply for a second-class scholarship.

3) Students whose final examination score of eachsubject reaches 75 or above, no truancy and attendance rate of each course isno less than 85% can apply for a third-class scholarship.

4) Students whose final examination scores of eachsubject reach 60 or above, no truancy and attendance rate of each course is100% can apply for a full-attendance scholarship.


1. Applicants must submit the applications within onemonth after beginning of the term, no waiting after the set time.

2. Applicants must fill in the scholarship applicationforms. (Form see annex)

IV.Scholarship Standards:

Scholarship  levels



First-class Scholarship



Second-class Scholarship



Third-class Scholarship



Full-attendance Scholarship.



V.Scholarship Evaluation Methods:

1. International college shall conduct the scholarship evaluation at the end of the term and issue the certificates and scholarshipsat the beginning of the next semester.

2. The evaluation of scholarships follows theprinciple of openness, fairness and impartiality.

3. Scholarships are cash rewards.

4. The number of scholarships is limited, our collegewill select the applicants according to the assessment results. Under the samecondition, student who participates in school activities actively is preferred.If no one is qualified, the relevant awards can be vacant.

5. Various scholarships are awarded each semester.

6. One cannot get two scholarships at the same time.

7. The right of interpretation of this regulation belongs to the International College.

8. This regulation shall be implemented since December12, 2013.

Attachment: The Application Form for OutstandingForeign Students of Jiangsu Normal University (Non-academic Language Student).