




亲爱的          同学,



1. 遵守中国的法律制度,遵守江苏师范大学相关校规校纪;

2. 出勤率不低于90%

3. 各科期末成绩均高于60分,没有不及格现象;

4. 专业课平均成绩不低于75分,专业课单科成绩不低于70分;

5. 无缓考、补考或缺考现象。


一、若满足上述条件1,3, 5,但有下列任何一种情况,将减少半年学费等额奖学金:










学生签名:                                                            江苏师范大学国际学院

签名日期:                                                           二〇一七年十二月十二日




Notice Letter to Intake 2017 International Students

Awarded JSNU Bachelor Degree Scholarship

( December 12, 2017 )

Dear                         ,

We are pleased that you are awarded Jiangsu Normal University Scholarship for International Students. The conditional full scholarship covers the total tuition for your four-year undergraduate study at Jiangsu Normal University (JSNU). We are warmly looking forward to your successful completion of study at JSNU.

In order to ensure timely completion and the quality of your studies, we will make a yearly evaluation for your study and performance at the end of every academic year. You will be required to meet all the following conditions to receive the full or partial scholarship the following academic year:

1. Abide by all the laws of China and regulations of Jiangsu Normal University;

2. Attendance is no less than 90% for all classes in each and every semester;

3. Pass (over 60% marks) in all course exams at the end of each semester;

4. Average grade of core courses is no less than 75%, and the grade of any core course is no less than 70%;

5. Take all the course final exams as officially scheduled on time.

If any of the following two cases emerges, we will reduce or cancel your awarded scholarship the next academic year accordingly:

1) The scholarship will be reduced to 50% if you satisfy the above mentioned item 1,3,5, but any of the following two cases happen:

a) Class attendance is less than 90% but above 70% in each and every semester;

b) The grade of any core course is 60% or above, but less than 70%;

c) Violate relevant regulations of Jiangsu Normal University and is subjected to a disciplinary warning or the above punishments;

2) The scholarship will be canceled if any of the following cases arise:

a) Violate the laws of China;

b) Class attendance is less than 70% in each and every semester;

c) Fail (less than 60% marks) in final exams of any core course;

d) Violate relevant regulations of Jiangsu Normal University and is subjected to a serious warning or the above punishments.

Please read through this notification carefully and confirm you have got this information by signature.

Signature:                                                                                                                                                                                International College

Date:                                                                                                                                                                                      Jiangsu Normal University







亲爱的          同学,



1. 遵守中国的法律制度,遵守江苏师范大学相关校规校纪;

2. 出勤率不低于90%

3. 各科期末成绩均高于60分,没有不及格现象;

4. 专业课平均成绩不低于75分,专业课单科成绩不低于70分;

5. 无缓考、补考或缺考现象。


一、若满足上述条件1,3, 5,但有下列任何一种情况,将减少半年学费等额奖学金:










学生签名:                                                             江苏师范大学国际学院

签名日期:                                                            二〇一七年十二月十二日




Notice Letter to Intake 2017 International Students

Awarded JSNU Master Degree Scholarship

( December 12, 2017 )

Dear                         ,

We are pleased that you are awarded Jiangsu Normal University Scholarship for International Students. The conditional full scholarship covers the total tuition for your three-year graduate study at Jiangsu Normal University (JSNU). We are warmly looking forward to your successful completion of study at JSNU.

In order to ensure timely completion and the quality of your studies, we will make a yearly evaluation for your study and performance at the end of every academic year. You will be required to meet all the following conditions to receive the full or partial scholarship the following academic year:

1. Abide by all the laws of China and regulations of Jiangsu Normal University;

2. Attendance is no less than 90% for all classes in each and every semester;

3. Pass (over 60% marks) in all course exams at the end of each semester;

4. Average grade of core courses is no less than 75%, and the grade of any core course is no less than 70%;

5. Take all the course final exams as officially scheduled on time.

If any of the following two cases emerges, we will reduce or cancel your awarded scholarship the next academic year accordingly:

1) The scholarship will be reduced to 50% if you satisfy the above mentioned item 1,3,5, but any of the following two cases happen:

a) Class attendance is less than 90% but above 70% in each and every semester;

b) The grade of any core course is 60% or above, but less than 70%;

c) Violate relevant regulations of Jiangsu Normal University and is subjected to a disciplinary warning or the above punishments;

2) The scholarship will be canceled if any of the following cases arise:

a) Violate the laws of China;

b) Class attendance is less than 70% in each and every semester;

c) Fail (less than 60% marks) in final exams of any core course;

d) Violate relevant regulations of Jiangsu Normal University and is subjected to a serious warning or the above punishments.

Please read through this notification carefully and confirm you have got this information by signature.

Signature:                                                                                                                                                                                        International College

Date:                                                                                                                                                                                            Jiangsu Normal University