


  第一条 申请来我校全日制学习的国际学生被录取后,应当向中国驻所在国使领馆申请办理签证。申请X1签证入境的国际学生,入境后停留期限为30天;申请X2签证入境的国际学生,入境有效期、停留期限、入境次数等,由中国驻所在国使领馆确定。

  第二条 持“X1”签证的国际学生在签证到期前必须申请办理居留许可。持“X2”签证的国际学生在原定学习期限结束后如需继续学习,应提前向学校申请续读,在签证到期前向徐州市公安局出入境管理支队申请办理居留许可。

  第三条 国际学生办理签证或居留许可前,需要先在微信小程序“留学生服务小助手”内完成个人信息注册。护照或居留许可更新后,应及时在小程序内更新相关信息。住宿校外的学生如果住址发生变更,应于变更住址24小时内在该小程序中重新申报住宿登记。学生确保相关信息和住宿登记完成之后,才有可能领取延长居留许可的材料。

  第四条 国际学生按学年缴清学费、住宿费、保险费后,由相关学院向国际学院提供符合办理居留许可的学生名单,国际学院协助学生办理校内住宿居留许可。对于不能按期缴清费用的国际学生,国际学院有权注销其签证或者居留许可,由此带来的一切后果由学生个人承担。

  第五条 国际学生若有家属申请签证来华,相关学院协助出具该生在读证明。申请所需其他材料由国际学生本人向中国驻所在国使领馆咨询。国际学生陪读家属可在徐州市公安局出入境管理支队办理居留证件或签证延期。国际学生家属在华停留期限不得超过国际学生居留许可的有效期限。

  第六条 由他校转入我校的国际学生,须在到达我校十日内,前往徐州市公安局出入境管理支队办理居留许可变更手续。

  第七条 居留许可事由为“学习”的国际学生,需要在校外勤工助学或者实习的,应当经学校同意后,持本人有效护照、居留证件和相关材料向徐州市公安局出入境管理支队申请勤工助学或者实习加注。超出勤工助学规定岗位范围或时限工作,以及超出校外实习区域或实习期限,均被认定为非法就业。国际学生非法就业的,公安机关按有关规定处五千元以上二万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处五日以上十五日以下拘留,并处五千元以上二万元以下罚款。

  第八条 持“X”字零次签证的国际学生在学习期间因病、因事回国或需要前往港澳地区及其他国家,应于出境前一个月向相关学院申请。经学校同意后,方可凭国际学院出具的证明到徐州市公安局出入境管理支队办理往返签证,并在签证有效期内入境返校。

  第九条 国际学生在居留许可到期前必须离境,继续学习者在到期前应办理延期手续。居留许可延期或变更,国际学生需至少提前一个月向国际学院提出申请,以便开具相关证明材料。国际学生应当密切注意护照、签证、居留许可的有效期,及时办理延期手续。如遇学期结束,签证、居留许可及再入境手续的办理,须在假期前办理完毕,假期一般不予办理。对于在签证、居留许可到期后非法停留、居留的国际学生,公安机关按有关规定给予警告;情节严重的,处每非法居留一日五百元,总额不超过一万元的罚款或者五日以上十五日以下拘留。

  第十条 办理居留许可申请或延期手续时,国际学生须按有关规定向徐州市公安局出入境管理支队交纳办理费用。

  第十一条 申请居留许可需要以下文件材料:







  第十二条 除学校统一组织旅行参观外,凡个人前往不对外开放的地区旅行,须向所在学院说明去向,经学校同意后,由国际学生本人去徐州市公安局出入境管理支队办理旅行手续。旅行时应遵守中国有关规定,一切旅行手续和费用均须自理。

  第十三条 护照、签证、居留许可应妥善保管。在中国境内国际学生所持签证或居留许可遗失、损毁、被盗抢的,应及时向徐州市公安局出入境管理支队申请补发。护照如有遗失,应及时向遗失地所辖派出所报失,领取报警记录单。学生携带报警记录单去徐州市公安局出入境管理支队(矿山路33号)办理护照丢失证明,再向本国驻华使馆申请补发。补发新护照后,学生应重新申报住宿登记,并及时向徐州市公安局出入境管理支队申请新的居留许可。

  第十四条 国际学生外出须随时携带本人护照以备查验。国际学生所持护照因办理证件被收存期间,可以凭受理回执在中国境内合法停留。

  第十五条 学习期间自动退学、休学或被学校劝退、开除的国际学生,须将居留许可换发为短期停留证件,并限期离境。不予配合的学生,国际学院将取消其签证或居留许可,由其带来的一切后果由学生自行承担。

  第十六条 本规定的解释权归国际学院。

  第十七条 本规定自发布之日起执行。

Article 1 International students who apply for full-time study in Jiangsu Normal University shall apply for visas to the Chinese Embassies and consulates in their home countries after being admitted. For international students applying for X1 visa, the stay period after entry is 30 days; For those applying for X2 visa, the validity period, duration of stay and number of visits shall be determined by the Chinese Embassy or consulate in the host country.

Article 2 International students holding X1 visa must apply for residence permit before the visa expires. International students holding X2 visa should apply to the university for further study after the end of the original study period, and apply for residence permit to the Exit and Entry Administration Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau before the expiration of the visa.

Article 3 Before applying for a visa or residence permit,international students are required to register their personal information inthe Wechat mini program International Student Service Assistant.After the renewal of passport or residence permit, the relevant informationshould be updated in the mini program timely. Students living off campus whochange their address should re-register their residence in this mini-programwithin 24 hours of the change of address. Studentswill be able to get the documents of residence permit extension after ensuringthat the relevant information and accommodation registration are completed.

Article 4 After international students paid the tuition fee, accommodation fee and insurance premium for the coming school year, the relevant colleges shall provide the name list of students who are in line with the residence permit application to the International College, and the International College shall assist the students who live in campus to extend their residence permit. The International College has the right to refuse the students who fail to pay the fees on time, and all consequences arising therefrom shall be borne by the students themselves.

Article 5 If international student's family members apply for visa to China, the relevant colleges shall assist in issuing the student's study certificate. Other materials required by the application should be consulted by the international student himself/herself at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in their country. Accompanying family members of international students can apply for residence permit extension at the Exit and Entry Administration branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau. The duration of stay in China by family members of international students shall not exceed the valid period of residence the permit of international students.

Article 6 International students transferred from other schools to Jiangsu Normal University must go to the Exit and Entry Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau to go through the procedures of residence permit alteration within 10 days of their arrival.

Article 7 If international student whose purpose of residence permit is study needs to work or practice off-campus, he/she shall, with the consent of the school, apply to the Exit-entry Administration Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau for work-study or practice annotation with his/her valid passport, residence certificate and relevant documents. Those who work beyond the job scope or time limit stipulated in the work-study program, and those who work beyond the off-campus internship area or internship period are considered as illegal employment. If international student is illegally employed, the public security organ shall impose a fine of not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan in accordance with relevant regulations; If the circumstances are serious, he/she shall be detained for 5 to 15 days and fined not less than 5,000 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan.

Article 8 For students holding the X zero visa, they should apply to the relevant college one month prior to the exit if they need to travel to Hong Kong, Macao and other countries due to illness or other matters. With the approval of the university, students can apply for a return visa with the certificate issued by the International College and come back within the validity period of the visa.

Article 9 International students must leave China before the expiration of their residence permit. For residence permit extension or change of visa, international students should apply to the International College at least one month ahead. International students should pay close attention to the validity of their passports, visas and residence permits and handle the extension procedures in time. At the end of every semester, visa, residence permit and re-entry procedures must be completed before the holidays. The public security organ shall give a warning to international students who stay or reside illegally after the expiration of their visa or residence permit. If the circumstances are serious, the student shall be imposed a fine of 500 yuan for each day of illegal residence, the total amount of which shall not exceed 10,000 yuan, or be detained for not less than 5 days but not more than 15 days.

Article 10 When applying for residence permit or extension of residence permit, international students shall pay the fee to the Exit and Entry Administration branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau in accordance with relevant regulations.

Article 11 Application for residence permit requires the following documents:

1. The original and copy of valid passport and visa;

2. The official letter of Jiangsu Normal University indicating the study period;

3. Original Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202, JW201 Form);

4. Application form for Foreigner visa and Residence Permit, with one two-inch full-face color photo with white background and no crown

5. One copy of the admission notice;

6. Health certificate issued by Xuzhou Entry-Exit Quarantine Bureau(Students should have a medical examination before applying for residence permit every academic year).

Article 12 Except for a unified tour organized by the University, any individual who travels to an area closed to the public shall explain his/her destination to his/her college. With the approval of the university, the international student himself/herself shall go to the Exit and Entry Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau to go through the travel formalities. When students travel, they should abide by the relevant regulations of China. All travel procedures and expenses must be paid by the students.

Article 13 Passports, visas and residence permits shall be properly kept. If the visa or residence permit held by international students in China is lost, damaged, stolen or robbed, they should apply to the Exit and Entry Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau for reissuance in time. If the students’passport is lost, they should report it to the local police station and get a record of the loss. Students take the record form to the Exit and Entry Management Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau (No. 33, Kuangshan Road) to apply for the passport loss certificate, and then apply to the local embassy in China for a replacement. After a new passport is issued, students should re-apply for accommodation registration and apply for a new residence permit to the Exit and Entry Branch of Xuzhou Public Security Bureau.

Article 14 International students must bring their passports with them at all times for inspection when they go out. International students may legally stay in China with the receipt of acceptance during the period when their passports are collected for processing.

Article 15 International students who withdraw or suspend their schooling voluntarily or are dismissed or expelled by the university shall renew their residence permit for a short-term stay certificate and leave The country within a time limit. If the student fails to cooperate, the International College will cancel his/her visa or residence permit, and the student shall bear all the consequences.

Article 16 The International College has the right of interpretation.

Article 17 These regulations shall be implemented from the date of promulgation.