




  1. 国际学生来校学习,必须凭自己的有效身份证件(如护照、居留证等)办理住宿登记。未办理相关手续,不得私自入住国际学生公寓。国际学生办理完住宿手续后,根据学校的统一安排按指定房间住宿,不得私自调换房间,不得以任何理由拒绝管理人员安排其他人员入住或者试图强迫室友从寝室搬出。

  2. 国际学生报到住宿后,须按签证居留时段一次性足额支付住宿费,并妥善保存好缴费收据。假期期间继续住宿的,按照计划入住天数预先缴纳住宿费。

  3. 国际学生报到时,领取宿舍楼出入门卡。门卡须认真保管,不得随意配备,不得私自调换门锁或另加门锁;不得随便借用他人房间的门卡,也不准将本人房间门卡借给他人使用;如果丢失,请及时到国际学生宿舍管理办公室登记。如将房间门卡锁在房内,请联系宿舍管理人员开门。

  4. 国际学生在校学习期间,在学校安排的学生公寓内住宿,原则上不同意学生在校外住宿。确因特殊原因需在校外住宿的学生,必须本人提出申请,经过相关学院审核批准后方可。住在校外的学生应按照规定办理相关手续,自觉遵守中国国家法律、法规及学校的规章制度,同时应加强人身及财产安全的自我保护。因学生在校外住宿引起的一切后果,其责任均由学生本人负责。在校外住宿期满,须及时到学校办理回校住宿手续,并按期回校内住宿。

  5. 不得利用宿舍从事违反中国法律和我校校规的活动。严禁在宿舍内举行非法集会。严禁任何危害中国国家安全或扰乱宿舍生活秩序的行为。

  6. 不得自行更换、移动家具,如有违反,当事人有责任恢复原状,并自行承担相关费用;不得改造、拆卸房间内和宿舍楼的设施,如有损坏或遗失公物,责任人必须承担赔偿、维修、更换的责任,情节严重的将按损坏学校公物追究其责任。

  7. 爱护公物,节约水电。保持公共厨房卫生,爱惜公共厨房物品,不得擅自将厨房设备带出。爱惜洗衣机,及时取出洗净后的衣物,以方便大家使用。

  8. 毕业、结业、培训到期、退学、转学等符合退宿条件的国际学生,应在规定时间内办理离校退宿手续。

  9. 国际学生退宿时,保持房间内外清洁,由工作人员查验宿舍公共物品完整后,办理退宿手续,物品丢失须照价赔偿,同时交还门卡。

  10. 假期住宿应按照学校及学院的规定办理。


  1. 入住国际学生公寓的学生应自觉维护公寓安全,增强安全意识和法治观念,提高安全防范能力、自我管理能力和自救逃生能力。及时劝阻、制止、报告有损公寓安全、正常秩序的不良行为。出现刑事、治安等案件,应保护现场,及时报告学校保卫处等学校相关部门并协助处理。

  2. 注意人身及财产安全。宿舍内个人贵重物品、现金及证件等要妥善保管。自觉树立防范意识,注意防盗安全,养成良好的生活习惯。

  3. 严禁在公寓楼内存放易燃、易爆、易腐蚀、细菌和病毒标本、剧毒及具有放射性的危险物品,严禁私藏管制刀具和淫秽物品。

  4. 遵守防火规定,严禁乱动配电箱和消防器材,严禁占用、堵塞疏散通道和安全出口,严禁在宿舍内使用明火。

  5. 注意用电安全,宿舍内禁止私自使用电炉电锅或电取暖器、酒精炉等加热烹调设备,禁止私接电源。

  6. 严禁在宿舍楼内吸烟,严禁随意乱扔烟头,严禁在宿舍楼内焚烧废弃物。

  7. 严禁在宿舍楼内酗酒。

  8. 严禁赌博、吸毒或容留他人吸毒、打架斗殴。

  9. 外出时务必锁闭门窗,切断电源、水源,做到节约用电、人离灯熄。如发现水电设施损坏,应及时到宿舍管理老师处登记报修,电气设施不得擅自修理和拆除。

  10. 严禁在阳台、走廊内堆放废弃物,严禁在墙壁乱涂乱画,严禁向窗外和阳台外抛砸各种物品、泼倒茶水等,严禁往楼梯走廊内泼水、堆放垃圾。

  11. 国际学生应自觉保持和维护宿舍卫生。宿舍内卫生由国际学生自己打扫,宿舍区内公用场所卫生由保洁员负责打扫。

  12. 学校将不定期检查宿舍安全及卫生情况,并将检查结果及时通报。不遵守宿舍安全制度并因此引发安全事故者,赔偿全部损失,后果严重者将依法追究其刑事责任。

  13. 宿舍内严禁可能给国际学生公寓和他人安全带来危害或隐患的其他行为。


  1. 自觉遵守作息时间。国际学生原则上22:40以后不得出入宿舍楼,如有特殊情况必须到宿舍管理老师处登记。严禁夜不归宿。

  2. 自觉维护学生宿舍公共秩序。保持楼内安静,严禁大声喧哗、嬉闹和进行影响他人学习和休息的活动。

  3. 严禁在宿舍楼内进行跳舞、唱歌、举办聚会等影响他人的活动。22:00以后严禁播放高分贝音乐和电视节目等。

  4. 国际学生公寓严禁会客,严禁留宿外来人员。

  5. 无特殊情况,男女学生不得相互串楼。


  1. 学院定期开展内务和文明宿舍评比活动,评比结果报学生工作处备案,并作为学生评奖评优的重要依据之一。

  2. 违反本规定,学院依据《江苏师范大学学生违纪处分规定》向相应部门通报,由相应部门处理。


International students dormitory is a place where the international students live. These regulations are constituted to create a tidy, healthy, civilized and harmonious environment.

I. Check In and Check Out  

1. International students need to register with valid documents (ID card or residence permit). It is not allowed to check in without registration. Once moving in, the students are supposed to live in the designated dormitory and should not exchange dormitory. Also, students should not refuse other students to move in or force other students to move out for any reason.

2. After registration, please pay for accommodation fee in a lump sum according to the deadline of your residence permit and Visa extension and keep the receipt properly. Those who want to stay during summer or winter holiday, please pay for accommodation fee in advance according to the number of days and nights.

3. Upon registration, students will receive room cards. Room cards should be taken good care of and not be duplicated. Students should not change the door locks or put another locks on the doors. Lending room cards to others or borrowing from others is also forbidden. If room cards get lost, please report to the dormitory management office. If room cards are left in the rooms, the dormitory manager will help to open the doors.

4. All international students should live in International students dormitory when study in university. According to the principles, students are not allowed to live outside the campus. If there are specific reasons, students who want to live outsides should submit the application forms to college and they can live outsides once their applications are approved by college. Students who live outsides must go through relevant formalities, conscientiously abide by Chinese laws, rules and school regulations. At the same time, students should strengthen self-protection of personal and property security. Students will be responsible for all bad consequences due to their living outsides. Once the duration of living outside expires, students should go back to school dormitories by proceeding relevant formalities.

5. Students who live in international dormitory must abide by Chinese laws and all rules and regulations of Jiangsu Normal University. Unlawful assembly is strictly prohibited both inside and outside the campus. Any behaviors that threat national security or disturb dormitory order are strictly prohibited.

6. Furniture and other items in the dormitory should not be moved or changed arbitrarily. Nor is addition or alternation of furniture allowed. Any violations will result in restitution and students should be liable for all expenses. Students should not retrofit or dismantle existing facilities. Otherwise, they should be responsible for damage and loss. If the circumstances are serious, they will be held responsible for damaging school property.

7. Please take good care of everything in dormitory and save water and electricity. Please keep the sanitation of the public kitchen and take good care of the items in the public kitchen. Please use the washing machine properly and take your laundry out in time for others’ sake.

8. International students who meet the requirements of checking out, such as graduation, drop-out and transfer to another school, should finish check-out procedure within the stipulated time.

9. When checking out, students should keep the room clean and tidy. Check-out procedures will be handled after the staff checking the room. Anything lost will be paid at its original value. Meanwhile, students should return the room cards.

10. Holiday accommodation should be arranged according to the regulations of the school and college.

II. Safety & Health

1. Students should ensure the security of the dormitory, improve security and self-protection awareness, raise self-management and self-lifesaving skills. It is the students’ responsibility to prevent and report the behaviors affecting the dormitory safety and order. If criminal cases happen, students should maintain the original sites, report to school security department and help them to solve the problems.

2. Keep your belongings safe, take good care of the cash and belongings. Consciously set up the awareness of prevention, avoid being stolen and develop healthy living habits.

3. Students are prohibited from using or illegally keeping flammable, explosive, poisonous, bacteria, virus specimens and radioactive materials, controlled knives, and obscene articles and materials.

4. Please abide by fire-prevention regulations. Keep away from electricity distribution boxes and fire extinguishing appliances. Do not block the exits, routes, stairwells. Students are forbidden to use the naked flame in the dormitory.

5 Ensure safe electrical operations. Appliances like electric stove, electric oven, electric blanket, that are easy to cause fire are strictly forbidden to use in dormitory. In the dormitory, private power supply is also forbidden.

6. Using fire, smoking and throwing cigarettes are forbidden in the dormitory.

7. Excessive alcohol drinking is forbidden in the dormitory.

8. Students are prohibited from gambling, taking drugs or providing shelter for others to take drugs and fighting.

9. Please close the windows, lock the doors and switch off the electricity when leaving the dormitory. If the water and power supplies are damaged, students should tell dormitory manager. The electrical facilities shall not be repaired or dismantled without authorization.

10. Behaviors such as dumping garbage at balcony and corridor at random, screwing over walls, throwing garbage out of window or balcony carelessly, splashing contaminated water, pouring waters or piling up rubbish in the corridor are strictly forbidden in dormitory.

11. Please keep the rooms clean. The work of sanitation within the rooms should be done by students themselves while the work of sanitation out of the rooms will be done by cleaners.

12. Dormitory personnel of school will inspect the safety and hygiene of the dormitory frequently  and the results will be reported . For anyone who breaks the regulations and brings accident, all lost should be paid by themselves. The legal liability will be pursued if anything dangerous happens.

13. Any other behaviors that will take damages to international students and dormitory are forbidden.

III. Dormitory Schedule

1. Please comply with the university’s study and rest schedule. It is strictly required that international students get back to the dormitory before 22:40 every night. If there is anything special, please register at the Security Room. Students are not allowed to stay out of school overnight.

2. Please comply with public order and do not make noises. Making terrible noises and other behaviors affecting others’ study and sleep are prohibited.

3. Students should not take disturbing activities, like dance, sing or party. Do not play high-pitched music or TV show.

4. Students are not allowed to meet visitors in dormitory and keep them overnight.

5. If there is no special circumstances, boys and girls cannot visit each other’s room.

IV. Rewards and Punishments

1. College will hold many kinds of civilized activities about dormitory and the results of them will be recorded by International College. In addition, all kinds of students’ application for their awards during their study period in Jiangsu Normal university will be judged and evaluated according to the results of these activities mentioned above.

2. Students who violate this regulation will be reported by College to relevant department of Jiangsu Normal University and the relevant department will deal with your affairs of violating the regulations of our school based on the punishment rules for students in Jiangsu Normal University.

V. This regulation will be implemented from the date of promulgation.